Contributors, submit your invoice

Invoicing Overland

Overland pays contributors upon publication. If one of your pieces has recently appeared in our print or online magazines, this is the place to submit your invoice. Invoices should include your name, address, ABN (if you have one) and bank account details. Download a sample invoice here

If you have an ABN, please add an additional 11.5% onto your fee for superannuation. If you do not have an ABN, you aren't eligible for superannuation. You will also need to submit a Statement by Supplier form in place of an ABN. Overseas contributors are not required to submit an ABN (Australian Business Number). However, please ensure to include all the relevant international banking details on your invoice.

If you would like to use all or part of your contributor fee for a donation, subscription or extra issues of Overland, please fill out the relevant form, which can be downloaded here and email it to us, or submit it through Submittable.

2025 contributor rates 

For the online magazine

Articles: $160.

For the print magazine

Fiction: $525; essays: $525; poetry: $160.

We process invoices every fortnight. If it's been a couple of weeks and you haven't heard anything, you can follow up the status of your invoice by sending a query to

Overland would not exist without its subscribers. You can help support Overland by taking out an annual subscription, which start at $50. If you're feeling even more generous, remember that Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of publishing ideas and voices often excluded from mainstream media and publishing outlets.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.